Let us tell you, it's huge! While both are chilly and refreshing on a hot summer day, cold brew coffee and iced coffee really are two different things. The main difference between the two is all in the brewing method.
What is cold brew?
Cold brew is made by immersing coarsely ground beans in cold or room temperature water between 12 and 24 hours. Instead of using heat to extract the oils, sugars, and caffeine from coffee beans, cold brew uses time. The chilled-out brewing process produces coffee that is soft, subtle, naturally sweet, and that also has more caffeine.
What is iced coffee?
Iced coffee is double-strength coffee that has been brewed hot and then cooled. The reason it is brewed stronger is to avoid any dilution from ice cubes. Iced coffee has a lighter body than cold brew, is more acidic, and because of the going-from-hot-to-cold thing, it can have a slightly bitter taste.
To cold brew or to iced coffee?
Still trying to decide on your favorite kind of chilly coffee? Let your taste buds be your guide. If you love drinking strong coffee that is light, crispy and a little more acidic, iced coffee is your thing. If you're into more of a milder, smoother, slightly sweeter tasting coffee, opt for some cold brew in your cup.